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The polymorphicBranch step is a utility step to handles generic polymorphic branching.


When building your own steps it may be better to implement the planForType method on your step classes as explained in polymorphism.

polymorphicBranch accepts two parameters:

  1. The step representing the data to branch on,
  2. A matchers object detailing the types supported and how to match them.

The matchers object

// This type is for illustrative purposes only; the actual type is slightly
// more complex
type PolymorphicTypeMatchers = {
[typeName: string]: {
match?(obj: any): boolean;
plan?($obj: ExecutableStep): ExecutableStep;

The matchers object is a map from type names supported (string) to the associated "matcher" object for that type. For each type name, typeName, the "matcher" object has two properties, both of which are optional:

  • match(obj) - return true if the object obj is of the type being matched (typeName); otherwise false
    • If unset, defaults to (obj) => obj.__typename === typeName
  • plan($obj) - assuming the data represented by the step $obj is of the type being matched, return a step that represents this type
    • If unset, defaults to ($obj) => $obj


Imagine we want to represent a database of animals (which we're using an array to simulate). Since the different types of animal all have a name but have different data, we're going to use an interface to represent Animal and then we'll use polymorphicBranch to narrow the object to the right type:

import { makeGrafastSchema, polymorphicBranch, access, lambda } from "grafast";

// Our database of animals
const ANIMALS = [
{ type: "feline", name: "Artie", colour: "ginger" },
{ type: "feline", name: "Brontie", colour: "tortoise shell" },
{ type: "canine", name: "Captain", wagsTail: true },
{ type: "hamster", data: { name: "Hammy", type: "winter white dwarf" } },

const schema = makeGrafastSchema({
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
interface Animal {
name: String!
type Cat implements Animal {
name: String!
colour: String!
type Dog implements Animal {
name: String!
wagsTail: Boolean!
type Hamster implements Animal {
name: String!
type: String!

type Query {
animal(id: Int!): Animal
plans: {
Query: {
animal(_, { $id }) {
const $animal = lambda($id, (id) => ANIMALS[id - 1]);
return polymorphicBranch($animal, {
Cat: {
match: (obj) => obj.type === "feline",
Dog: {
match: (obj) => obj.type === "canine",
Hamster: {
match: (obj) => obj.type === "hamster",
// Notice the shape of `Hamster` is different, so we need to
// transform the object to represent a hamster. For other types
// this might even involve fetching details from a remote data
// source.
plan: ($obj) => access($obj, "data"),