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Wraps a collection fetch to provide the utilities for working with GraphQL cursor connections. It only requires one argument which is a step that represents a collection of records; this step should support the connection methods, specifically:

* Clone the plan; it's recommended that you add `$connection` as a
* dependency so that you can abort execution early in the case of errors
* (e.g. if the cursors cannot be parsed).
$connection: ConnectionStep<TItemStep, TCursorStep, any, any>,
...args: any[]
): ConnectionCapableStep<TItemStep, TCursorStep>;

$connection: ConnectionStep<
ConnectionCapableStep<TItemStep, TCursorStep>,
): PageInfoCapableStep;

setFirst($step: ExecutableStep<Maybe<number>> | number): void;
setLast($step: ExecutableStep<Maybe<number>> | number): void;
setOffset($step: ExecutableStep<Maybe<number>> | number): void;

parseCursor($step: ExecutableStep<Maybe<string>>): TCursorStep | null | undefined;
setBefore($step: TCursorStep): void;
setAfter($step: TCursorStep): void;

TODO: the documentation for this is terrible. Sorry.

export function connection<
TItemStep extends ExecutableStep,
TCursorStep extends ExecutableStep,
TStep extends ConnectionCapableStep<TItemStep, TCursorStep>,
TNodeStep extends ExecutableStep = ExecutableStep,
$collection: TStep,
itemPlan?: ($item: TItemStep) => TNodeStep,
cursorPlan?: ($item: TItemStep) => ExecutableStep<string | null>,
): ConnectionStep<TItemStep, TCursorStep, TStep, TNodeStep>;