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Plan resolvers

When planning a GraphQL operation, we combine the plans from every field requested in the operation into an execution plan that we then optimize. "Field plan resolvers" are the functions that detail the plan for each field (there can also be plan resolvers on arguments, input fields, and even enum values; but that's more advanced than most people need).

Plan resolvers are synchronous (they must not return promises) since they do not deal with actual runtime data, instead detailing the steps needed to process all possible data that will be seen at runtime.

Field plan resolvers

At operation planning time, each time a field is referenced that field's plan resolver will be called and the result will be combined into the operation plan. When calling the field's resolver, Grafast will pass the "parent step" and a "field args" object. The plan resolver may create as many intermediate steps as it likes, but it must return exactly one step that represents the result of the field.

In the case of a field that has a polymorphic type, the step that is returned must be a polymorphic-capable plan (see polymorphism). In the case of a field that has a list type, the step that is returned must produce lists when executed.

A plan resolver can be used instead of, or in addition to, a traditional resolver. Since plan resolvers run only when the operation is being planned, not when it is being executed, they do not have access to any data ─ only other steps.

Like regular resolvers, the first two arguments to a plan resolver represent the parent data and the arguments respectively. However, since we're dealing in potentials rather than concrete data, both of these are a little different:

Parent step

The first argument, the "parent step," is a step that represents the data from the parent. When the parent field has an object type, the "parent step" is simply the step that the parent field resolved to. When the parent field has a list or polymorphic type, the "parent step" will be the resolved step that represents an entry from the list or the concrete object type for polymorphism.

Field arguments

The second argument, the "field arguments" (fieldArgs), is an object with access methods to read the arguments. We'll expand on that below in the FieldArgs section.


A plan resolver might look something like:

function plan_resolver(
$parent: ExecutableStep,
args: FieldArgs,
): ExecutableStep {
const $friends = $parent.getRelation("friends");
return $friends;

By convention, when a variable represents a step we start the variable's name with a $.

Of course the actual body of the plan resolver function will vary based on your own application's needs.

Specifying a field plan resolver

When building a GraphQL schema programatically, plan resolvers are stored into extensions.grafast.plan of the field; for example:

import { GraphQLSchema, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLInt } from "graphql";
import { constant } from "grafast";

const Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Query",
fields: {
meaningOfLife: {
type: GraphQLInt,
extensions: {
grafast: {
plan() {
return constant(42);

export const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: Query,

If you are using makeGrafastSchema then the field plan resolver for the field fieldName on the object type typeName would be indicated via the plans[typeName][fieldName] property:

import { makeGrafastSchema, constant } from "grafast";

export const schema = makeGrafastSchema({
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type Query {
meaningOfLife: Int
plans: {
Query: {
meaningOfLife() {
return constant(42);

Asserting an object type's step

Object types in Grafast can indicate that they must be represented by a particular step or set of steps to guarantee that the methods on those steps are available to the field plan resolvers; this can help to catch bugs early.

This indication takes one of two forms, either it's explicitly the step class itself, or it's an assertion function that checks that the incoming step is of an appropriate type and throws an error otherwise.

When defining a schema programatically, assertStep is defined via objectTypeConfig.extensions.grafast.assertStep, for example:

import { GraphQLObjectType } from "graphql";
import { ObjectStep } from "grafast";

const MyObject = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "MyObject",
extensions: {
grafast: {
assertStep: ObjectStep,
/* Or:
assertStep($step) {
if ($step instanceof ObjectStep) return;
throw new Error(`Type 'MyObject' expects a step of type ObjectStep; instead received a step of type '${$}'`);
fields: {
a: {
extensions: {
grafast: {
plan($obj: ObjectStep) {
return $obj.get("a");

When defined via makeGrafastSchema we cannot call the property assertStep directly as it might conflict with a field name, so instead we use __assertStep, knowing that GraphQL forbids fields to start with __ (two underscores) since those names are reserved for introspection:

import { makeGrafastSchema, ObjectStep } from "grafast";

const schema = makeGrafastSchema({
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type MyObject {
a: Int
plans: {
MyObject: {
__assertStep: ObjectStep,
/* Or:
__assertStep($step) {
if ($step instanceof ObjectStep) return;
throw new Error(`Type 'MyObject' expects a step of type ObjectStep; instead received a step of type '${$}'`);
a($obj: ObjectStep) {
return $obj.get("a");

Generally adding a step assertion is optional; however when there's a union or interface type all types within it must agree whether a step is expected or not. If you want to require steps everywhere but you don't care for a particular type what the step actually is, you can use __assertStep: ExecutableStep or __assertStep: () => true.

Argument and input field plan resolvers


This section is very advanced and rarely used, so feel free to skip to the next subsection. It's included here only because FieldArgs (the next section) relies on these behaviors if present.

In addition to field plan resolvers, Grafast allows you to attach an inputPlan and/or an applyPlan to individual arguments or to input fields on input objects. These plan resolvers work a little differently.

inputPlan plan resolvers

An inputPlan plan resolver may exist on an argument or an input field. It is passed three arguments:

  1. the parent plan
  2. the FieldArgs relative to this argument or input field
  3. additional info (TODO: document)

The inputPlan must return a step that shall be used in place of the argument or input value's raw value when FieldArgs.get references it.

applyPlan plan resolvers

An applyPlan plan resolver may exist on an argument or an input field. It is passed three arguments:

  1. the target step - the step to apply changes to
  2. the FieldArgs relative to this argument or input field
  3. additional info (TODO: document)

The applyPlan may either manipulate the target step directly, or it may return a ModifierStep which will gather changes and then apply them all at once. The ModifierStep is passed to child input fields applyPlan plan resolvers (if any) to allow the changes to stack up. This is particularly useful when building "patch" objects to be used with a mutation, or "filter" objects to be used against a collection.


The FieldArgs object gives access to the arguments of a field (when used in a field plan resolver) or to the input fields of an input object (when used for applyPlan/inputPlan) or similar for other inputs. It contains three methods:


Pass this method either the name of the argument you wish to get, or a path to the value you want through arguments and input objects (but not lists), and you shall receive a step that represents that value.

If the argument or input object field has an inputPlan method, it will be called, and the step that it returns will be used instead of the raw step that would represent the value.


You may also call fieldArgs.get() with no arguments to get the value of the current argument/input field; but this may only be done inside inputPlan or applyPlan.


As FieldArgs.get, except it ignores any inputPlans and just returns a step representing the raw value.


Pass this method a step to apply to and either the name of the argument you wish to apply, or a path to the input field you want to apply through arguments and input objects (but not lists), and the applyPlan for that argument or input field will be applied to the given step.

TODO: expand this section with examples of why you might do these things.

Automatic application of applyPlan plan resolvers


This section is now wrong. We changed this behavior, and now you need to add autoApplyAfterParentApplyPlan or similar in order to trigger your field to auto-apply (or autoApplyAfterParentPlan for an argument).

TODO: fix this documentation.

FieldArgs keeps track of the arguments/input fields that you .get(), .getRaw() or .apply(), and should there be any left unaccessed that have an applyPlan method, these will automatically be called passing the field plan resolver's resulting step as the argument.

This, for example, allows you to associate the "first" behavior with the argument rather than the plan resolver, such that you could share the first/last/before/after behavior via a common object that you spread into each of your arguments on connections, rather than having to rewrite the logic in each of your plan resolver functions.