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Step classes

A step details a particular action or transform that needs to be performed when executing a GraphQL request. Each step is an instance of a specific step class, produced during the planning of a field. Each step may depend on 0 or more other steps, and through these dependencies ultimately form a directed acyclic graph which we refer to as the execution plan. Thus the steps are the building blocks of an execution plan.

A modest range of standard step classes are available for you to use; but when these aren't enough you are encouraged to write your own (or pull down third party step classes from npm or similar).

Step classes extend the Step class, the only required method to define is execute, but you may also implement the various lifecycle methods, or add methods of your own to make it easier for you to write plan resolvers.

/** XKCD-221 step class @ref */
class GetRandomNumberStep extends Step {
execute({ count }) {
return new Array(count).fill(4); // chosen by fair dice roll.
// guaranteed to be random.

function getRandomNumber() {
return new GetRandomNumberStep();
Use prefixes on custom fields/methods.

If you add any custom fields or methods to your step classes we recommend that you prefix them with your initials or organization name to avoid naming conflicts occurring.

Don't subclass steps.

Don't subclass steps, this will make things very confusing for you. Always inherit directly from Step.

Step function

By convention, we always define a function that constructs an instance of our class so we don't see the new calls or redundant Step text in our plan resolver functions.

This function is typically named after the corresponding step class, but with the first letter in lower case and the Step suffix omitted, for example AddStep would become add:

function add($a, $b) {
return new AddStep($a, $b);

There's multiple reasons for this, a simple one is to make the plan code easier to read: we won't see the new calls in our plan resolver functions, nor the redundant Step wording, resulting in a higher signal-to-noise ratio. More importantly, though, is that the small layer of indirection allows us to do some minor manipulations before handing off to the class constructor, and makes the APIs more future-proof since we can have the function return something different in future without having to refactor our plans in the schema. And remember that this cost is only incurred at planning time (which is generally cached and can be re-used for similar future requests), and each field is only planned once, so the overhead of an additional function call is negligible.

Lifecycle methods


execute(details: ExecutionDetails): PromiseOrDirect<GrafastResultsList>
// These are simplified types
interface ExecutionDetails {
count: number;
values: [...ExecutionValue[]];
indexMap<T>(callback: (i: number) => T): ReadonlyArray<T>;
indexForEach(callback: (i: number) => any): void;
extra: ExecutionExtra;

type ExecutionValue<TData> =
| { at(i: number): TData; isBatch: true; entries: ReadonlyArray<TData> }
| { at(i: number): TData; isBatch: false; value: TData };

type GrafastResultsList<T> = ReadonlyArray<PromiseOrDirect<T>>;

execute is the one method that your step class must define, and it has very strict rules.

It is passed one argument, the "execution details", which is an object containing:

  • count — the size of the batch being processed (and thus the length of the list that must be returned)
  • values — the "values tuple", an n-tuple (a tuple with n entries), where n is the number of dependencies the step has. Each of the entries in the tuple will be an "execution value" containing the data that relates to the corresponding dependency
  • indexMap(callback) - a helper function that builds an array of length count by calling callback for each index in the batch (from 0 to count-1); equivalent to Array.from({ length: count }, (_, i) => callback(i))
  • indexForEach(callback) - a helper function that calls callback for each index in the batch (from 0 to count-1) but does not return anything
  • extra — currently experimental, use it at your own risk (and see the source for documentation)

An "execution value", dep, is an object containing the data for a given dependency. It will either be a "batch" value (dep.isBatch === true) in which case dep.entries will be an array containing count entries (the order of which is significant), or it will be a "unary" value (dep.isBatch === false) in which case dep.value will be the common value for this dependency across all entries in the batch. Either way, will return the value for this dependency corresponding with the i'th entry in the batch ( is equivalent to dep.isBatch ? dep.entries[i] : dep.value).

Execute must return a list (or a promise to a list) of size count, where the i'th entry in this list corresponds to the value for each dep in the "values tuple". The result of execute may or may not be a promise, and each entry in the resulting list may or may not be a promise.

If your step has no dependencies

If the step has no dependencies then values will be a 0-tuple (an empty tuple), but that doesn't mean the batch is empty or has size one, count may be any positive integer. It's therefore recommended that you use indexMap to generate your results in the vast majority of cases:

return indexMap((i) => 42);

You might wonder why the values input is a tuple of execution values, rather than a list of tuples. The reason comes down to efficiency, by using a tuple of execution values, Grafast only needs to build one new array (the tuple), and into that array it can insert the results from previously executed steps unmodified. Were it to provide a list of tuples instead then it would need to build N+1 new arrays, where N was the number of values being processed, which can easily be in the thousands.


If you want one of your entries to throw an error, but the others shouldn't, then an easy way to achieve this is to set the corresponding entry in the results list to Promise.reject(new Error(...)). You can do this even if you don't use promises for any of the other values, and even if your execute method is not marked as async. You must not do this if you have marked your step class with isSyncAndSafe = true.


In the getting started guide we built an AddStep step class that adds two numbers together. It's execute method looked like this:

  execute({ indexMap, values: [aDep, bDep] }) {
return indexMap((i) => {
const a =;
const b =;
return a + b;

Imagine at runtime Grafast needed to execute this operation for three (count = 3) pairs of values: [1, 2], [3, 4] and [5, 6]. The values for $a accessible through aDep.get(i) would be 1, 3 and 5; and the values for $b accessible through bDep.get(i) would be 2, 4 and 6. The execute method then returns the same number of results in the same order: [3, 7, 11].



stream is no longer its own method; it has been merged with execute.

Use to determine whether you should stream or not.


This method is optional.

peers: readonly Step[]
): readonly Step[]

After a field has been fully planned, Grafast will call this method on each new step when more than one step exists in the draft execution plan with the same step class and the same dependencies. These "peers" (including the step itself) will be passed in to the deduplicate method, and this method should return the list of the peers that are equivalent (or could cheaply be made equivalent) to the current step.

To cause your step class to never be deduplicated, either don't implement this method or simply return [];.

You should not mutate your peers or yourself during this method, instead use the deduplicatedWith method to apply side-effects.


This method is optional.

replacement: Step
): void

If Grafast determines that this specific step instance should be replaced by one of its peers (thanks to the results from deduplicate above), Grafast will call deduplicatedWith on the step that is being replaced, passing the step that it is being replaced with as the first argument. This gives your step a chance to pass any information to the peer that may be necessary to make the peers equivalent.


It's rare to need this functionality, so let's work through a hypothetical.

Imagine step $select1 represents the SQL query SELECT id, name FROM users and step $select2 represents SELECT id, avatar_url FROM users.

Lets further imagine that we've optimised our SQL handling step classes such that both $select1 and $select2 return [$select1, $select2] from their deduplicate method (because they can "cheaply" be made equivalent).

Assuming Grafast chooses to keep $select1 and "deduplicate" (get rid of) $select2, Grafast would then call $select2.deduplicateWith($select1). This would give $select2 a chance to inform $select1 that in order to be completely equivalent, it must also select avatar_url.

In this scenario, at the end of deduplication, only $select1 would remain and it would represent the SQL query SELECT id, name, avatar_url FROM users.


This method is optional.

options: { stream: StepStreamOptions | null }
): Step

This method is called on each step during the optimize lifecycle event. It gives the step a chance to request that its ancestors do additional work, and/or replace itself with another step (new or old). If it does not want to be replaced, it can simply return itself: return this;.

This one method unlocks a significant proportion of Grafast's efficiency improvements. Here are some common use cases that it can be used for:

Optimize: inlining

optimize is often useful for "inlining" the requirements of this step into an ancestor and then (optionally) replacing itself with a simple access or remapKeys step. This reduces the number of asynchronous tasks the request needs to execute and can enable significantly more efficient data fetching.

Optimize: planning-time only steps

Another use case for optimize is to make planning-time only steps "evaporate" by replacing them with their parent or a different step.

The loadMany step represents each record via a LoadedRecordStep instance which can be used to .get(attr) a named attribute. This reference is then stored, and at optimize time the LoadedRecordStep can tell the LoadStep to request this attribute (so that the loadMany callback doesn't need to do the equivalent of SELECT * - it can be more selective). However, since LoadedRecordStep has no run-time behavior (only planning-time behavior) it can simply replace itself during optimize with its parent step (typically an __ItemStep).

The built-in each step uses optimize to replace itself with the underlying list where possible.

Optimize: simplification

Another use case is simplification.

For example the step representing access(access(access($a, 'b'), 'c'), 'd') could be simplified down to just access($a, ['b', 'c', 'd']), reducing the number of steps in the operation plan.

Similarly first(list([$a, $b])) can be simplified to just $a.


This method is optional.

finalize(): void

This method is called on each step during the finalize lifecycle event. It gives each step a chance to prepare for execution, doing anything that needs to be done just once. A step that deals with a database might precompile its SQL, a step that transforms an object might build an optimized function to do so, there are so many other actions that this step can be used for.


It is critical that the step calls super.finalize() at the end of the finalize() step:

finalize() {
// ... your code here ...


Importantly during this step the step should only worry about its own concerns and should not attempt to communicate with its ancestors or descendents - they may not be the steps that it remembers as they may have been switched out during optimize! If the step needs to communicate with its ancestors it should use the optimize method to do so.

Custom methods and conventions

Your step may implement any additional methods that it needs; however certain methods have special meaning. For example, if your step represents an object then it should implement the .get(key) method; and if the step represents an array/list then it should implement the .at(index) method.

These conventions are still evolving, and more may be added as common usage patterns are detected. Some likely candidates for future reserved methods include: import, export, defer, filter, order and merge. To avoid conflicts with built in and future methods, consider using a prefix when naming custom methods.

Functions that have special meanings/expectations can be found below:


Implement .at() if your step represents a list or an array. It should accept a single argument, an integer, which represents the index within the list-like value which should be accessed.


import { access } from "grafast";

class MyListStep extends Step {
// ...

at(index) {
// Your step may implement a more optimized solution here.
return access(this, index);

If your step implements .at(), make sure it meets the expectations: ie it correctly accepts a single argument an integer. Grafast relies on this assumption; unanticipated behaviours may result from steps which don't adhere to these expectations.


Implement .get() if your step represents an object. It should accept a single argument, a string, which represents an attribute to access an object-like value.

import { access } from "grafast";

class MyObjectStep extends Step {
// ...

get(key) {
// Your step may implement a more optimized solution here.
return access(this, key);

If your step implements .get(), make sure it meets the expectations: i.e. it correctly accepts a single argument of a string. Grafast relies on this assumption; unanticipated behaviours may result from steps which don't adhere to these expectations.


Implement .items() if your step represents a collection and you want to give users an easy way of accessing the items of your collection (as opposed to metadata you may also wish to make available, such as pagination info). It should accept no arguments (later we might support options related to streaming, so do not implement arguments!) and it should expect to be called zero or more times.

import { access } from "grafast";

class MyCollectionStep extends Step /* implements ConnectionCapableStep */ {
// ...

items() {
// Update this to access the correct property needed for the items in your
// collection; you may also choose to track that this was requested and
// thus ensure that fetches only go ahead when necessary.
return access(this, "items");

If your step implements .items(), make sure it meets the expectations: i.e. it does not require any arguments. Grafast relies on this assumption; unanticipated behaviours may result from steps which don't adhere to these expectations.


Implement .apply() if your step wants to allow for runtime modification of its action based on non-trivial input values - for example, if your step represents an SQL query it might want to allow dynamic WHERE or ORDER BY clauses based on input arguments to a GraphQL field. .apply() will accept a single argument, a step that represents a runtime callback function. The step should then call this function from .execute(); a common implementation might look like:

import { Step, ExecutionDetails, GrafastResultsList, Maybe } from "grafast";

interface QueryBuilder {
orderBy(columnName: string, ascending?: boolean): void;

type Callback = (queryBuilder: QueryBuilder) => void;

class MyQueryStep extends Step {
private applyDepIds: number[] = [];

// [...]
// this.foreignKeyDepId = this.addDependency($fkey);
// [...]

// Handling `Step<Callback>` is enough for some use cases, but
// handling this combination is the most flexible.
apply($step: Step<Maybe<Callback | ReadonlyArray<Callback>>>) {

async execute(
executionDetails: ExecutionDetails,
): Promise<GrafastResultsList<Record<string, any>>> {
const { values, indexMap } = executionDetails;
const foreignKeyEV = values[this.foreignKeyDepId];

// Create a query builder to collect together the orderBy values
const orderBys: string[] = [];
const queryBuilder: QueryBuilder = {
orderBy(columnName, asc = true) {
orderBys.push(`${columnName} ${asc ? "ASC" : "DESC"}`);

// For each of the `apply()` callbacks, run it against the query builder
for (const applyDepId of this.applyDepIds) {
const callback = values[applyDepId].unaryValue();
if (Array.isArray(callback)) {
callback.forEach((cb) => cb(queryBuilder));
} else if (callback != null) {

// Now we can use `orderBys` to build a query:
const query = `
select *
from my_table
where foreign_key = any($1)
order by ${orderBys}

// Then we can fetch the data:
const allForeignKeys = indexMap((i) =>;
const rows = await runQuery(query, [allForeignKeys]);

// And return the right data to go with each input value:
return indexMap((i) => {
const foreignKey =;
return rows.filter((r) => r.foreign_key === foreignKey);

Built in methods

Your custom step class will have access to all the built-in methods that come as part of Step.


When your step requires another step's value in order to execute (which is the case for the majority of steps!) it must add a dependency via the this.addDependency($otherStep) method. This method will return a number, which is the index in the execute values tuple that represents this step.

It's common to do this in the constructor, but it can be done at other stages too, for example during the optimize phase a step's descendent might ask it to do additional work, and that work might depend on another step.

In the getting started guide we saw the constructor for the AddStep step class added two dependencies:

class AddStep extends Step {
constructor($a, $b) {
this.addDependency($a); // Returns 0
this.addDependency($b); // Returns 1
Steps are ethemeral, never store a reference to a step.

You must never store a reference to another step directly (or indirectly) in your step class. Steps come and go at quite a rate during planning - being removed due to deduplicate, optimize, or tree shaking lifecycle events. Referring to a step that no longer exists is likely to make your program have very unexpected behaviors and/or crash.

In the exceedingly unlikely event that you need to reference another step but it is not a dependency, use its id ─ you can then look up the step associated with that id at a later time; if it exists it may be different to the step you remember, but it should serve the same purpose. However, it may have been deleted due to tree shaking - if this causes a problem, then maybe that step should have been a dependency after all?


Sometimes you'll want to ensure that one or more of the steps your step class depends on will have exactly one value at runtime; to do so, you can use this.addUnaryDependency($step) rather than this.addDependency($step). This asserts that the given dependency is a unary step (a regular step which the system has determined will always represent exactly one value) and is primarily useful when a parameter to a remote service request needs to be the same for all entries in the batch; typically this will be the case for ordering, pagination and access control.

Use with caution.

this.addUnaryDependency($step) will raise an error during planning if the given $step is not unary, so you should be very careful using it. If in doubt, use this.addDependency($step) instead.

The system steps which represent request–level data (e.g. context, variable and argument values) are always unary steps, and Grafast will automatically determine which other steps are also unary steps.

It's generally intended for addUnaryDependency to be used for arguments and their derivatives; it can also be used with context-derived values, but there is complexity when it comes to mutations since context is mutable (whereas input values are not).


Pass in the number of the dependency (0 for the first dependency, 1 for the second, and so on) and Grafast will return the corresponding step. This should only be used before or during the optimize phase.

For example in the AddStep example above we might have:

const $a = this.getDep(0);
const $b = this.getDep(1);



Like getDep, but skips over __ItemStep and similar built-in intermediary steps to try and get to the original source. Typically useful if you have a step representing an entry from a collection (e.g. a database "row") and you want to get the step representing the entire collection (e.g. a database SELECT statement).


Pretty formatting for the step.

console.log("$a = " + $a.toString());


You may override this to add additional data to the toString method (the data that would occur between the triangular brackets).

Other properties


Every step is assigned a unique id by Grafast. This id may be a string, number, or symbol - treat it as opaque.


Currently this value is a number, but Grafast may change it to be a string or symbol in a minor release so you should not rely on its data type. You may, however, rely on String(id) being unique across an operation plan.


Set this true if the step has side effects (i.e. causes a mutation) - if this is true then Grafast will not remove this step during tree shaking, and will ensure that the step is executed even if it doesn't appear to be used in any output.



This is a very dangerous optimization, only use it if you're 100% sure you know what you are doing!

Setting this true is a performance optimization, but it comes with strong rules; we do not test you comply with these rules (as that would undo the performance gains) but should you break them the behaviour is undefined (and, basically, the schema may no longer be GraphQL compliant).

Do not set this true unless the following hold:

  • The execute method must be a regular (not async) function
  • The execute method must NEVER return a promise
  • The values within the list returned from execute must NEVER include promises
  • The result of calling execute should not differ after a step.hasSideEffects has executed (i.e. it should be pure, only dependent on its deps and use no external state)

It's acceptable for the execute method to throw if it needs to.

This optimisation applies to the majority of the built in plans and allows the engine to execute without needing to resolve any promises which saves precious event-loop ticks.


This is set true after the step has been optimized.


Set this true if your plan's optimize method can be called a second time.

Your dependencies may change classes!

In this situation it's likely that your dependencies (or their dependencies) will not be what you expect them to be (e.g. a PgSelectSingleStep might become an AccessStep due to having been optimized). This, and the fact that it's rarely needed, is why it's not enabled by default.



You may optionally set this to indicate a key to use for which meta object to be passed in to execute (typically used for caching). To make it unique to the instance of your step, in the constructor after calling super(), set it as this.metaKey =;. If you want to share the same meta object between all steps of a given class, that class may set metaKey to be the name of the class. You can even set it to a shared value between multiple step classes (a "family" of step classes) should that make sense. By default no metaKey is set, and your class will therefore have no meta object.


The loadMany and loadOne standard steps make use of this key to optimize value caching, you may want to look at them for more inspiration.