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Similar to DataLoader's load method, uses the given callback function to read many results from your business logic layer. To load just one, see loadOne.

Enhancements over DataLoader

Thanks to the planning system in Grafast, loadOne can expose features that are not possible in DataLoader.

Attribute and parameter tracking

A loadMany step (technically a LoadStep) keeps track of the attribute names accessed on each of the records returned via .get(attrName) and any parameters set via .setParam(key, value). This information will be passed through to your callback function such that you may make more optimal calls to your backend business logic, only retrieving the data you need.

Input/output equivalence

If you (optionally) pass an ioEquivalence parameter to loadMany (the second parameter) then you can use it to indicate which field(s) on each record in the output are equivalent to the input(s). This enables an optimization where a chained fetch can instead be performed in parallel if the child only depends on an output which is equivalent to an input. Hopefully an example will make this clearer...

Imagine you're loading the users within a given organization:

usersByOrganizationId(id: Int!) {
organization {

You might have plan resolvers such as:

const plans = {
Query: {
usersByOrganizationId(_, { $id }) {
return loadMany($id, batchGetUsersByOrganizationId);
User: {
organization($user) {
const $orgId = $user.get("organization_id");
return loadOne($orgId, batchGetOrganizationById);

In it's current state the system doesn't know that the $user.get("organization_id") is equivalent to the id argument to our usersByOrganizationId field, so this would result in a chained fetch:

stateDiagram direction LR state "batchGetUsersByOrganizationId" as A state "batchGetOrganizationById" as B [*] --> A A --> B

However, we can indicate that the output of the loadMany step's records' organization_id property ($user.get("organization_id")) is equivalent to it's input ($id):

 const plans = {
Query: {
usersByOrganizationId(_, { $id }) {
- return loadMany($id, batchGetUsersByOrganizationId);
+ return loadMany($id, 'organization_id', batchGetUsersByOrganizationId);
User: {
organization($user) {
const $orgId = $user.get("organization_id");
return loadOne($orgId, batchGetOrganizationById);

Now the access to $user.get("organization_id") will be equivalent to the 'id' argument on the usersByOrganizationId field - we no longer need to wait for the users to load in order to fetch their organization:

stateDiagram direction LR state "batchGetUsersByOrganizationId" as A state "batchGetOrganizationById" as B [*] --> A [*] --> B


Basic usage

const $userId = $user.get("id");
const $friendships = loadMany($userId, getFriendshipsByUserIds);

loadMany accepts two to four arguments, the first is the step that specifies which records to load (the specifier step), and the last is the callback function called with these specs responsible for loading them.

The callback function is called with two arguments, the first is a list of the values from the specifier step and the second is options that may affect the fetching of the records.


For optimal results, we strongly recommend that the callback function is defined in a common location so that it can be reused over and over again, rather than defined inline. This will allow LoadManyStep to optimise calls to this function.

An example of the callback function might be:

const friendshipsByUserIdCallback = (ids, { attributes }) => {
// Your business logic would be called here; e.g. this might be the same
// function that your DataLoaders would call, except we can pass additional
// information to it:
return getFriendshipsByUserIds(ids, { attributes });

Optionally a penultimate argument (2nd of 3 arguments, or 3rd of 4 arguments) can indicate the input/output equivalence - this can be:

  • null to indicate no input/output equivalence
  • a string to indicate that the same named property on the output is equivalent to the entire input plan
  • if the step is a list() (or similar) plan, an array containing a list of keys (or null for no relation) on the output that are equivalent to the same entry in the input
  • if the step is a object() (or similar) plan, an object that maps between the attributes of the object and the key(s) in the output that are equivalent to the given entry on the input
Example for a list step
const $posts = loadMany(
list([$organizationId, $userId]),
["organization_id", "user_id"],
Example for an object step
const $posts = loadMany(
list({ oid: $organizationId, uid: $userId }),
{ oid: "organization_id", uid: "user_id" },

Advanced usage

const $userId = $user.get("id");
const $dbClient = context().get("dbClient");
const $friendships = loadMany($userId, $dbClient, getFriendshipsByUserIds);

In addition to the forms seen in "Basic usage" above, you can pass a second step to loadMany. This second step must be a unary step, meaning that it must represent exactly one value across the entire request (not a batch of values like most steps). Since we know it will have exactly one value, we can pass it into the callback as a single value and our callback will be able to use it directly without having to perform any manual grouping.

This unary dependency is useful for fixed values (for example, those from GraphQL field arguments) and values on the GraphQL context such as clients to various APIs and other data sources.

Multiple steps

The list() or object() step can be used if you need to pass the value of more than one step into your callback:

const $result = loadMany(list([$a, $b, $c]), callback);

The first argument to callback will then be an array of all the tuples of values from these plans: ReadonlyArray<[a: AValue, b: BValue, c: CValue]>.