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The registry contains all of the codecs, resources and relations that you want @dataplan/pg to know about.

Though writing the registry by hand gives you full control over how your database is represented, it's more common to auto-generate it - this gives you a fully type safe registry in moments. Of course, you can auto-generate your first version of it, and then take over maintenance from that point on should you wish.

(TODO: detail autogeneration.)


We recommend that you use the registry builder to build the registry, this enables you to use a comfortable "builder" syntax and maintain types throughout.

import { makeRegistryBuilder } from "@dataplan/pg";

The registry builder has the following main methods:


Adds a codec to the builder.

For more details on codecs, see codecs.


Add resource options to the registry builder. Note that the building of the registry itself is what produces the resource that you use at runtime, so you're just passing the resource options here.

For more details on resources, see resources.

RegistryBuilder.addRelation(codec, name, resourceOptions, details)

Adds a relationship named name between codec and the resource represented by resourceOptions. details contains the breakdown of the relationship:

  • localAttributes - the attributes of codec that do the referencing in this relation
  • remoteAttributes - the attributes of resourceOptions.codec that are referenced by this relation
  • isUnique - true if this relation can return at most one result, otherwise false. Always true on the referencing side.
  • isReferencee - true if this relation was defined on the table represented by resourceOptions.codec rather than the table represented by codec

For more details on relations, see relations.


Returns the registry config, to feed into makeRegistry.


Returns a new registry by building all the resources and relations in registryConfig.


The PgRegistry produced by makeRegistry will have three properties:


An object map of all the codecs in your registry (the keys are the names of the codecs).


An object map of all the resources in your registry (the keys are the names of the resources).


An object map from the codec name to the relations for that codec, where the relations are represented as an object map from the relation name to the relation details.

It's rare that you'd need to use this directly.