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If you need to pull data from multiple tables and cannot use joins to do so, then pgUnionAll is your friend.

This step class uses the SQL UNION ALL construct to select a number (including zero, which is a good number for GraphQL unions 😉) of fields from a one or more different tables that might all be part of the same union or interface in GraphQL.

You may specify a list of shared fields, and if so then you can order by these shared fields, or apply conditions to them, and we'll pass these orders and conditions down to the individual table selects (as part of the UNION ALL) to ensure that we get the results in the most efficient manner. You can of course still select fields that are not shared using the normal GraphQL typed fragment spreading mechanism.


Right now these shared fields must match name and type exactly on each source in the union (we don't check this, but unexpected errors may occur at runtime if you don't adhere to it). There's definitely scope to soften these requirements - get in touch if this is something you need.

pgUnionAll is polymorphic-capable (but it doesn't have to be polymorphic!) and supports both limit/offset and cursor pagination.

pgUnionAll function

The pgUnionAll function accepts one argument - the PgUnionAllStepConfig. This configuration object has the following entries:

  • resourceByTypeName - (required) a map from GraphQL type name to the relevant PgResource from which matching records can be fetched.
  • members - (optional) a list of details of the sources and relationship paths to combine in the union all statement; each entry in members will become another union all'd select statement. If unspecified, we'll generate members for you based on resourceByTypeName.
    • TODO: document subkeys of members
  • attributes - (optional) an object defining the available common attributes (if any) as a map from the attribute name to a specification object containing the codec to use for the attribute; this is generally used with GraphQL interfaces
  • mode - (optional) normal for normal mode (default), or aggregate for performing aggregates (such as count(*))

Every source must have the same executor, whether the source is defined explicitly, or implicitly by following the given relationships.

Every final source (the source found at the end of any relationship paths) must have a primary key (an entry in source.uniques with isPrimary === true) that can be used to fetch the resulting record that matches the entry in the union.

Applying conditions

Conditions can be applied to the resulting step via the .where() method, which accepts an object containing the following keys:

  • attribute - the (string) name of the attribute from the pgUnionAllattributes to apply the condition against
  • callback - a callback function, invoked for each union source and passed the alias for that source, that should return an SQL fragment expressing the condition.

callback will be called for each entry in members since each source is responsible for adding its own conditions.

Custom ordering

The order of the union can be specified via the .orderBy() method, which accepts an object containing the following keys:

  • attribute - the (string) name of the attribute from the pgUnionAllattributes to use for ordering.
  • direction - either ASC for ascending order, or DESC for descending order. All other values have undefined results that may change in a patch release.

Every entry in members will be ordered, and the union all will be ordered again to ensure a stable ordering result.


Limit/offset pagination can be accomplished via .setFirst($n) and .setOffset($n). pgUnionAll also implements the relevant interfaces to support the connection step for cursor pagination.


const $vulnerabilities = pgUnionAll({
executor: firstPartyVulnerabilitiesResource.executor,
resourceByTypeName: {
FirstPartyVulnerability: firstPartyVulnerabilitiesResource,
ThirdPartyVulnerability: thirdPartyVulnerabilitiesResource,
attributes: {
cvss_score: {
codec: TYPES.float,
attribute: "cvss_score",
direction: "DESC",
attribute: "cvss_score",
callback: (alias) =>
sql`${alias} > ${$vulnerabilities.placeholder(constant(6), TYPES.float)}`,

pgUnionAll SQL explained

Though the UNION ALL complicates PostgreSQL's planning and execution, we've put effort into building the most efficient SQL queries we can for this problem, whilst still supporting pagination, custom conditions and custom ordering. This does result in more complex SQL queries than you may be used to from this module. Effectively the queries look like this:

from (
from (
__first_table__."column1" as "0",
__first_table__."id" as "1",
'FirstTable' as "2",
row_number() over (partition by 1) as "n"
from first_table as __first_table__
where ...
order by __first_table__."column1"
limit ...
-- Any number of additional "middle selects" from different tables
-- via 'union all'
union all
order by
"0" desc,
"n" asc,
"2" asc
limit ...
offset ...
) __union__

We'll have as many "inner select" and "middle select" fragments as there are tables in the union.

Each "inner select" is responsible for selecting the requisite common fields from each individual table, applying any conditions (into the where clause), applying the ordering (order by clause), and applying a limit (which will be the main limit plus the offset so that we can source enough rows for the union all's limit/offset to apply).

The middle select exists solely because union all only allows a single order by at the end of the statement, and for some reason we think we know better how to optimize this query than Postgres does... (Time will tell.) So the middle select just re-selects the relevant attributes.

The union all statement then orders by the relevant attributes again (including the type name and the row_number() to ensure there's a stable order) and applies the final limit/offset.

Finally the "outer select" selects the fields we need, and casts them according to the codecs involved. Note that we couldn't have cast them earlier since they were used in ordering, and casting them to text (for example) could seriously compromise the ordering.