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Polymorphism in @dataplan/pg

Polymorphism in PostgreSQL schemas can take many forms. @dataplan/pg has two main ways of dealing with this polymorphism: pgSelect (which is polymorphic capable so long as all the data either comes from a single table, or a single table left-joined to additional tables), and pgUnionAll (which allows you to pull data from multiple different (independent) database tables via the SQL UNION ALL construct). These two step classes are similar in many ways, but pgUnionAll is much more limited in order to maintain performance even when dealing with complex setups.

Read on for examples of these.

Types of polymorphism supported

There are many ways of modelling polymorphism in the database, and they each have various trade-offs. @dataplan/pg currently supports the following approaches, but if you use a different method for modelling polymorphism in your database please get in touch - maybe we can add support for that too!

Single table

In this form or polymorphism we have a single database table that contains a 'type' column indicating the type of the row (it needn't be called 'type', and it can have any data type - we use enum below but that's not a requirement). The table also contains all fields needed by all the different types in the interface or union1. For example:

create type item_type as enum (

create table items (
id serial primary key,
type item_type not null default 'POST'::item_type,

-- Shared attributes:
parent_id int references items on delete cascade,
author_id int not null references people on delete cascade,
position bigint not null default 0,
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now(),
is_explicitly_archived bool not null default false,
archived_at timestamptz,

-- Attributes that may be used by one or more item subtypes.
title text,
description text,
note text,
color text

The items table contains all the information that we need for our GraphQL types Topic, Post, Divider, Checklist and ChecklistItem.

This style of polymorphism can use pgSelect in the same way as you would with regular row selection, however the codec on the source your pgSelect uses must have the polymorphic configuration option set to mode: "single" for it to work. Something like:

itemResource.codec.polymorphism = {
mode: "single",
typeAttributes: ["type"],
types: {
name: "Topic",
name: "Post",
name: "Divider",
name: "Checklist",
name: "ChecklistItem",
Alternatively, if you'd rather not change your source/codec...

If you'd rather not change your source/codec then you can use pgSingleTablePolymorphic:

// Map the SQL 'type' values to their GraphQL equivalents
const sqlTypeToGraphQLType = (type) =>
TOPIC: "Topic",
POST: "Post",
DIVIDER: "Divider",
CHECKLIST: "Checklist",
CHECKLIST_ITEM: "ChecklistItem",
})[type] ?? null;
// Or: `const sqlTypeToGraphQLType = pascalCase;`


const plans = {
Comment: {
item($comment) {
// Get the 'item' related to this comment
const $item = $comment.singleRelation("item");

// Get the 'type' column from the item
const $type = $item.get("type");

// Convert the 'type' value into the name of a GraphQL type
const $typeName = lambda($type, sqlTypeToGraphQLType);

// Return the polymorphic step representing this item
return pgSingleTablePolymorphic($typeName, $item);

It's also possible to use pgPolymorphic to plan this style of polymorphism.


All plan methods just return the $item directly, since the $item represents all possible types.

const itemsTypeMap = {
Topic: {
match: (t) => t === "TOPIC",
plan: (_, $item) => $item,
Post: {
match: (t) => t === "POST",
plan: (_, $item) => $item,
Divider: {
match: (t) => t === "DIVIDER",
plan: (_, $item) => $item,
Checklist: {
match: (t) => t === "CHECKLIST",
plan: (_, $item) => $item,
ChecklistItem: {
match: (t) => t === "CHECKLIST_ITEM",
plan: (_, $item) => $item,


const plans = {
Comment: {
item($comment) {
const $item = $comment.singleRelation("item");
const $type = $item.get("type");
return pgPolymorphic($item, $type, itemsTypeMap);

Relational table

Similar to the single table example above, the relational table has a central table with a 'type' column; however the per-type (not shared) fields live on separate tables that can be joined in as necessary. These relational tables share the same primary key as the central table, and the type on the central table indicates which table should be joined to. For example:

create type item_type as enum (

-- Central table
create table items (
id serial primary key,
type item_type not null default 'POST'::item_type,

-- Shared attributes:
parent_id int references items on delete cascade,
author_id int not null references people on delete cascade,
position bigint not null default 0,
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now(),
is_explicitly_archived bool not null default false,
archived_at timestamptz

-- Tables for each of the subtypes
create table topics (
id int primary key references items,
title text not null
create table posts (
id int primary key references items,
title text not null,
description text default '-- Enter description here --',
note text
create table dividers (
id int primary key references items,
title text,
color text
create table checklists (
id int primary key references items,
title text not null
create table checklist_items (
id int primary key references items,
description text not null,
note text

When building the PgResource for these tables, the subtables should have entries in columns for all of the shared columns, with via: "item" (replacing "item" with the name of the relation that needs to be traversed to access the central table) to indicate that those columns come via the 'item' relationship.


This pattern can be used to represent unions too, in this case the central table would probably only have the primary key and type field. However, if you're using this pattern to represent unions then this may indicate an issue in your GraphQL data-modelling and that what you actually want is an interface.

This style of polymorphism can use pgSelect in the same way as you would with regular row selection, however the codec on the source your pgSelect uses must have the polymorphic configuration option set to mode: "relational" for it to work. Something like:

itemResource.codec.polymorphic = {
mode: "relational",
typeAttributes: ["type"],
types: {
name: "Topic",
relationName: "topic",
name: "Post",
relationName: "post",
name: "Divider",
relationName: "divider",
name: "Checklist",
relationName: "checklist",
name: "ChecklistItem",
relationName: "checklistItem",

The relationName in the above configuration is the name of the relation that your central source has which links to the relevant table that contains additional data for this type.

Alternatively, if you don't want to change your codec...

This style of polymorphism could be planned via pgPolymorphic (note the plan method returns a step representing a row from the relevant underlying table):

const itemsTypeMap = {
Topic: {
match: (t) => t === "TOPIC",
plan: (_, $item) => $item.singleRelation("topic"),
Post: {
match: (t) => t === "POST",
plan: (_, $item) => $item.singleRelation("post"),
Divider: {
match: (t) => t === "DIVIDER",
plan: (_, $item) => $item.singleRelation("divider"),
Checklist: {
match: (t) => t === "CHECKLIST",
plan: (_, $item) => $item.singleRelation("checklist"),
ChecklistItem: {
match: (t) => t === "CHECKLIST_ITEM",
plan: (_, $item) => $item.singleRelation("checklistItem"),

const plans = {
Comment: {
item($comment) {
const $item = $comment.singleRelation("item");
const $type = $item.get("type");
return pgPolymorphic($item, $type, itemsTypeMap);

Composite type union

One way to indicate a union would be to use a composite type with an attribute for each possible type referencing the primary key of the given type; exactly one attribute should be non-null at a time. For example:

create table people (...);
create table posts (...);
create table comments (...);

create type entity as (
person_id int,
post_id int,
comment_id int

This type could then be used as the return result for functions or as the type for a column to indicate a polymorphic relationship.

This type style of polymorphism could be planned via pgPolymorphic (note we've modelled the specifier as a tuple):

const entityTypeMap = {
Person: {
match: (specifier) => specifier[0] != null,
plan: ($specifier) => personResource.get({ person_id: $ }),
Post: {
match: (specifier) => specifier[1] != null,
plan: ($specifier) => postResource.get({ post_id: $ }),
Comment: {
match: (specifier) => specifier[2] != null,
plan: ($specifier) => commentResource.get({ comment_id: $ }),

const plans = {
PersonBookmark: {
bookmarkedEntity($bookmark) {
const $item = $bookmark.get("bookmarked_entity");
const $specifier = list([
return pgPolymorphic($item, $specifier, entityTypeMap);

Column-based union

Another way to indicate a union relationship would be to add a set of columns to a table to point to all the possible entities in the union, and add a rule that exactly one of them must be set.

Consider the following GraphQL schema, where a person may have a number of favourite entities of various types:

union PersonFavouriteEntity = Person | Post | Comment
type PersonFavourite {
id: ID!
person: Person!
entity: PersonFavouriteEntity!
type Person {
# ...
favourites: [PersonFavourite!]!
type Query {
person: Person

This schema might have the following underlying database table:

create table person_favourites (
id serial primary key,
person_id int not null references people on delete cascade,
liked_person_id int references people on delete cascade,
liked_post_id int references posts on delete cascade,
liked_comment_id int references comments on delete cascade

Here we might set the rule that exactly one of liked_person_id, liked_post_id and liked_comment_id must be non-null at a time, and the one which is non-null would indicate which concrete type the PersonFavouriteEntity represents.

We can plan this using a pgUnionAll:

const plans = {
Person: {
favourites($person) {
const $favourites = personFavouritesResource.find({
person_id: $person.get("id"),
return each($favourites, ($favourite) => {
const $list = pgUnionAll({
attributes: {},
resourceByTypeName: {
Person: personResource,
Post: postResource,
Comment: pommentResource,
members: [
typeName: "Person",
resource: personResource,
match: {
id: $favourite.get("liked_person_id"),
typeName: "Post",
resource: postResource,
match: {
id: $favourite.get("liked_post_id"),
typeName: "Comment",
resource: commentResource,
match: {
id: $favourite.get("liked_comment_id"),
return $list.single();
Alternatively, you could use pgPolymorphic:

Planning for this could be very similar to the composite type union above:

const personFavouriteEntityTypeMap = {
Person: {
match: (specifier) => specifier[0] != null,
plan: ($specifier) => personResource.get({ person_id: $ }),
Post: {
match: (specifier) => specifier[1] != null,
plan: ($specifier) => postResource.get({ post_id: $ }),
Comment: {
match: (specifier) => specifier[2] != null,
plan: ($specifier) => commentResource.get({ comment_id: $ }),

const plans = {
Person: {
favourites($person) {
const $favourites = personFavouritesResource.find({
person_id: $person.get("id"),
return each($favourites, ($favourite) => {
const $specifier = list([
return pgPolymorphic(

Completely separate tables

If you have two completely different tables (let's say users and organizations) and you want them to partake in a GraphQL interface or union, you could use pgUnionAll to plan them.

const plans = {
Query: {
allPeopleAndOrganizations() {
const $list = pgUnionAll({
resourceByTypeName: {
Person: personResource,
Organization: organizationResource,
return $list;

  1. Modelling a union in this way might indicate an issue with your GraphQL design - perhaps you should be using an interface instead?