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Accesses a (potentially nested) property from the result of a source step.


access() bypasses .get() / .at(), so you should only use it where doing so is truly what you mean. Always use a step's .get() or .at() if present unless you know better.

Many steps require that you use .get() or .at() in order to function properly, for example if you don't call .get('attribute_name') on a loadOne() step then it won't know to request the attribute_name attribute, and you may end up with unexpected nulls/undefineds.


const $userId = access($user, "id");
const $firstPatchUserId = access($args.get("input"), [

This could lead to unexpected results (which could introduce security issues) if it is not used carefully; only use it on JSON-like data, preferably where the objects have null prototypes, and only access keys that you trust (do not use user-provided data for the path!)

An AccessStep has the following methods:

  • .get(key) - gets the value for the key key assuming the parsed JSON value was an object
  • .at(index) - gets the value at index index assuming the parsed JSON value was an array
function access<TData>(
$source: ExecutableStep<unknown>,
path: (string | number)[] | string | number,
fallback?: any,
): AccessStep<TData>;